Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sweet sumertime

I must admit I do love this long break from school. It is so nice to spend time with friends and family and just relax! However, I am constantly finding myself thinking about next year; what I keep, what I will change, what the new students will be like, what the new teachers will be like, seeing my old students. Man, do I think about them a lot! I am so looking forward to seeing them and their families in August.

A month has passed since school has been out and I've realized there are a few important things I have learned in the last year that I should be sure to write down, so here we go!

1. Keep a flashlight in the room! One day there might be a turkey vulture who accidentally flies into a power line causing a power outage in the whole town. (small town problems)
2. If a student randomly brings you a grocery bag filled with delicious treats such as marshmallows, peanuts, skittles, DO NOT decide to one day dive into that bag of skittles. That student will two weeks later come back to you and ask to have his bag of random goodies (because his mom needs it) back, to take it home. (had to replace that bag of skittles)
3. On a similar note, keep snacks somewhere in your room. There is always a time when you'll want to eat. I especially enjoy chocolate and fruit snacks.
4. Sometimes you have to leave early. Just go. Get out. Nobody will really notice.
5. Sometimes you have to stay late. It happens. And you know what, it won't be so bad. You will feel accomplished.

I think I'm still working on this list, but it is so far!

There are so many joys that come from a career in education. Admittedly my career is just beginning and there is much more to look forward to in the coming years and I can't wait!
Today my students took one of their final state tests for the year. I really encourage my students to beat their OWN score and show how much they have learned. I know that education isn't about the test, but there is always a sense of pressure during this time. I am incredibly proud of the people my students are and I know that my love and care for them for always be with them.
This morning we went down to the computer lab for our testing. They had previously spent about 40 minutes working on this test of 60 questions earlier in the week, today they would be finishing it. Each student knew what their individual goal for this test was before they began their test and I thoroughly discussed with them to take their time. While they took their tests I walked around, checking to see how they were doing. It's difficult to watch them and not be able to help, but it also very rewarding to see them use the skills they have learned!
As students began to finish I felt nervous to see their scores. But as I went to teach I felt extremely happy and proud of them and for them. Even if their score isn't "at benchmark" almost every student in my class had an increase in their score. I loved to see how excited they were withi themselves! Their scores show up on the screen and typically I just look at the score, but one boy said "don't look, I want to tell you". His score is 24 points above benchmark! Then as another student finished, his had shot up and he said "yes!"
I was in tears as I watched my students be proud of their successes and progress. What a joy it is for me to be a part of it!